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Latests Medical News from around the world and also Thailand, bringing you updates, discoveries, studies and findings on various aspects and diseases in the medical world. Most of these articles are not only meant for Doctors In Thailand or Hospitals In Thailand but also for any patients or health conscious individuals wanting to know more.
Source: Lambda Variant  Jul 31, 2021  3 years ago
Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tokai University, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kobe University, University of Miyazaki , Osaka University, National Institute of Infectious Diseases-Tokyo  and the National Institute of Genetics-Japan based on a new study conducted have concluded that the Lambda variant is to date the most lethal variant to ever emer...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jul 30, 2021  3 years ago
Researchers from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine-UK, Liverpool University Hospitals –UK, University of Oxford-UK and Pfizer Vaccines-USA in a new study investigating the immunological consequences of secondary Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) infection in COVID-19 patients have found that S. pneumoniae, which is a Gram-positive bacterium responsible for pneumonia, mod...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs-Budesonide  Jul 29, 2021  3 years ago
Another study finding has emerged proving the antiviral effects of Budesonide when used either as an inhaler or as a nasal spray.   German researchers from the Ruhr-University Bochum and also from the European Virus Bioinformatics Center (EVBC) based in Jena-Germany have in a new study confirmed the viral effects of Budesonide against the wildtype SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and even against the ...
Source: COVID-19 Antivirals  Jul 29, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by scientists from the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC)-China has found that lectins derived from lentils (Lens culinaris)- a staple in Indian cuisine often known as dhal, exhibits antiviral properties against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal: Emerging Microbes and Infection.
Source: Breaking COVID-19 News  Jul 28, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from the University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom has found that inflammation and blood clotting seen in very severe cases of COVID-19 may be caused by the antibodies sent to fight the disease activating unnecessary platelet activity in the lungs. According to the study team a subset of patients with COVID-19 typically become critically ill, suffering from severe ...
Source:COVID-19 Disinfectants  Jul 28, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Queen’s University Belfast-UK has found that rosin soap could serve as a virucide against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The study findings showed that rosin soap was able to rapidly and potently inactivate influenza virus and other enveloped viruses. The study team which also included researchers from Finland showed that rosin soap can inactivate the human enve...