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COVID-19 News: Italian Study Shockingly Discovers That All Exposed To The SARS-CoV-2 Virus Have An Additional 90 Percent Risk Of Developing Heart Failure!
COVID-19 News: Italian Study Shockingly Discovers That All Exposed To The SARS-CoV-2 Virus Have An Additional 90 Percent Risk Of Developing Heart Failure!
COVID-19 News: More great news for 2023 especially for the COVID-19 minimizers and also for all the morons who keep on with the narratives “that we have to live with COVID-19 or that the new variants are now mild and we are just in a endemic phase and need not worry much!”
Italian researchers and cardiologists from West Vicenza Hospitals, Madre Teresa Hospital and Maria Della Misericordia Hospital in a new detailed meta-analysis study involving data from 1,628,424 patients who had contracted COVID-19 have alarmingly found that all individuals who have been exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus have an additional 90 percent risk of developing heart failures!
The study findings also raises questions about whether we will see an even higher incidence of heart failures (HF) and also fatal outcomes as the world is now in a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the sense we are no longer facing periodic waves driven by one or two specific new variants of concern or VOCs but rather we are going through a continuous onslaught by a cluster of so many different SARS-CoV-2 variants, sub-lineages and new recombinant variants that are continuously being replaced by many newer emerging variants and sub-lineages!
It has already been widely accepted that individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 have an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease and heart structural changes.