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Nikhil Prasad  Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Oct 24, 2023  1 year, 3 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes ago

BREAKING NEWS! Diphtheria Outbreak Worsens In Nigeria With Hundreds Dying And Thousands Across The Country Infected, Raising Global Concerns!

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BREAKING NEWS! Diphtheria Outbreak Worsens In Nigeria With Hundreds Dying And Thousands Across The Country Infected, Raising Global Concerns!
Nikhil Prasad  Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Oct 24, 2023  1 year, 3 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes ago
Diphtheria News: In a grim turn of events, Nigeria is grappling with its most severe diphtheria outbreak, a highly contagious and potentially life-threatening bacterial disease that affects the respiratory tract and skin. This public health crisis has claimed hundreds of lives and infected thousands across the nation, with the situation intensifying as vaccine shortages, vaccine hesitancy, and a decline in routine immunization have exacerbated the crisis.

The Escalation of the Outbreak
The outbreak, which began to surface in May of the previous year, was officially declared by Nigeria's Center for Disease Control in January 2023. Since then, it has escalated, claiming approximately 800 lives and infecting more than 14,000 individuals. The disease has now spread to nearly half of Nigeria's 36 states, with Kano, the country's largest city, bearing the brunt of cases and fatalities. As of the most recent report, Kano had reported a staggering 10,700 cases of diphtheria, with over 500 fatalities.
A Struggle for Resources and Vaccines
The outbreak's control has been challenged by a shortage of diphtheria vaccines, with the international community urged to provide essential support. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, has provided 7,000 diphtheria vaccines to Kano, while the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) donated 1.2 million doses. Nevertheless, these interventions remain insufficient in the face of soaring demand and supply constraints.
Hussein Ismail, MSF's project coordinator in Kano, highlighted the global shortage of diphtheria vaccines, attributing it to dwindling production capacity. The process of producing a single vial of the vaccine takes 15 days, and with global demand soaring, it has become increasingly challenging to meet the requirements. Kano alone needs 31 million doses to vaccinate at-risk groups, an ambitious target that is hampered by supply issues and funding constraints.
Immunization Decline and Vaccine Hesitancy
The declining rates of routine immunization in Nigeria have further complicated the situation. The COVID-19 pandemic shifted global attention and resources toward combating the virus, leading to a substantial drop in routine immunization efforts. Kano's Health Commissioner, Abubakar Labaran Yusuf, acknowledged that the state missed routine immunizations for 19 months, contributing significantly to the outbreak's resurgence, according to local Diphtheria News reports.
Furthermore, vaccine hesitancy has taken hold in Nigeria, driven by suspicions of vaccine safety. Recent claims by two mothers that their children developed kidney complications after diphtheria vaccines have reignited old vaccine safety fears that have long plagued the region. These concerns are deeply rooted, with historical incidents like the 1996 deaths of 11 Nigerian children following the administration of an experimental meningitis vaccine by the U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and a 13-month suspension of polio immunization between 2003 and 2004 due to allegations that the polio vaccine was part of a Western plot to depopulate Africa.
While authorities have resumed polio vaccination, vaccine hesitancy still lingers, necessitating intensified health campaigns to overcome these concerns. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) underscored the need for the state government to address these fears and misconceptions, particularly as some individuals associate vaccination with family planning.
The Human Toll of Diphtheria
Diphtheria is a formidable adversary. Without treatment, it can prove fatal to half of those infected and still fatal in 5% of patients who receive treatment. Vulnerable groups, particularly women and children under the age of five, are most affected, with the situation worsening in Kano state. The disease primarily affects the respiratory tract and skin, with symptoms including weakness, a sore throat, mild fever, and swollen neck glands. As it progresses, diphtheria forms a thick, gray coating, known as a pseudomembrane, in the throat or nose, making breathing and swallowing difficult.
The toll on individuals and communities has been profound, with over 800 people, mostly children, succumbing to the disease since January 2023. With 14,000 suspected cases, this outbreak far surpasses the 2011 outbreak, which reported only 98 cases. While there has been a recent decline in active cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the actual fatality and infection rate may be higher due to low testing and some patients failing to report their symptoms.
A National Response to Combat Diphtheria
In response to this crisis, various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), and the Nigeria Center for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC), have joined forces to combat the outbreak. They convened a media orientation session in Abuja, supported by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), to bolster the nation's response to the diphtheria outbreak.
The orientation aimed to enhance the media's understanding of diphtheria, clarify their roles, and identify areas where they can support the ongoing outbreak response across the country. The executive director of NPHCDA, Dr. Faisal Shuaib, lauded the media for their unwavering support in promoting health initiatives, particularly in response to the diphtheria outbreak. He emphasized the government's reliance on the media to raise awareness and educate Nigerians about diphtheria and other essential primary healthcare services.
UNICEF's Margaret Soyemi praised the efforts of NPHCDA and NCDC for their work in orchestrating the workshop. She expressed her gratitude to media stakeholders for their dedicated efforts in spreading awareness about health initiatives at both national and subnational levels.
Conclusion: A Battle Against Diphtheria
Nigeria's diphtheria outbreak is an urgent and alarming crisis, underscoring the importance of vaccination and public health education. As the nation grapples with the dual challenges of vaccine shortages and hesitancy, it is imperative that stakeholders, government agencies, and the media collaborate to address the outbreak effectively.
To protect the most vulnerable populations, especially children and women, efforts must focus on not only ramping up vaccination campaigns but also combating vaccine hesitancy through targeted public awareness campaigns. Only by addressing these challenges can Nigeria hope to bring an end to this devastating outbreak and prevent future occurrences of this deadly disease
More About Diphtheria
Diphtheria, a potentially lethal bacterial infection primarily caused by strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, has resurfaced as a critical public health concern. This ailment can have dire consequences, ranging from breathing difficulties to heart rhythm irregularities and, in extreme cases, fatality. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly advocate vaccination as a preventive measure for infants, children, teenagers, and adults against diphtheria.
Modes of Transmission and At-Risk Populations
Diphtheria is transmitted through respiratory droplets, typically via coughing or sneezing, making it highly contagious. Additionally, it can be contracted by touching infected open sores or ulcers. Individuals at an elevated risk of contracting the disease include those living in the same household as the infected person, those with a history of frequent and close contact with the patient, and individuals directly exposed to secretions from the suspected infection site, such as the mouth or skin of the patient.
Signs and Symptoms
Diphtheria can affect either the respiratory tract or the skin, and the symptoms vary based on the specific body part involved. Those exposed to diphtheria typically develop symptoms within 2 to 5 days if infected.
Respiratory Diphtheria
In cases of respiratory diphtheria, the bacteria predominantly infect the respiratory system, which encompasses the organs and structures responsible for breathing. This type of diphtheria manifests as weakness, a sore throat, a mild fever, and swollen neck glands. The bacteria produce a toxic substance that fatally damages healthy tissues within the respiratory system. This damage leads to the formation of a thick, gray coating, referred to as a "pseudomembrane," within two to three days. This pseudomembrane can accumulate in the throat or nose, affecting the nose, tonsils, voice box, and throat. The pseudomembrane obstructs normal breathing and swallowing, potentially leading to life-threatening complications if the toxin enters the bloodstream, causing damage to the heart, nerves, and kidneys.
Diphtheria Skin Infection
While diphtheria can also infect the skin, it rarely results in severe illness. In such cases, the infection gives rise to open sores or ulcers on the skin.
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Complications
The diagnosis and treatment of diphtheria depend on the specific type of diphtheria an individual has contracted. When healthcare providers suspect respiratory diphtheria, they initiate treatment promptly.
Medical professionals typically diagnose diphtheria by identifying common signs and symptoms. They may take swabs from the back of the throat or nose to test for the presence of the bacteria responsible for diphtheria. In some cases, they collect samples from open sores or ulcers, aiming to grow the bacteria and confirm the presence of the diphtheria toxin. However, the process of growing bacteria can be time-consuming. Therefore, treatment commences immediately when respiratory diphtheria is suspected.
The treatment for diphtheria involves two primary approaches:
Diphtheria Antitoxin: This vital treatment is employed to neutralize the bacterial toxin, thereby preventing further damage to the body. While it is essential for respiratory diphtheria infections, it is rarely used in cases of diphtheria skin infections.
Antibiotics: Antibiotics are employed to eliminate the bacteria causing the infection. This approach is crucial for diphtheria infections affecting the respiratory system, skin, and other parts of the body, such as the eyes and blood. Patients receiving antibiotics typically cease to be contagious 48 hours after starting treatment. However, it is imperative to complete the full course of antibiotics to ensure complete eradication of the bacteria from the body. Subsequently, doctors conduct tests to confirm the absence of bacteria in the patient's system.
Respiratory diphtheria can lead to several serious complications, including:
Airway Blockage: The pseudomembrane formation can obstruct the airway, making it difficult for patients to breathe.
Myocarditis: Diphtheria can damage the heart muscle, potentially leading to heart-related issues.
Polyneuropathy: The infection can cause nerve damage, resulting in neurological problems.
Kidney Failure: In some cases, diphtheria can lead to kidney failure.
Tragically, even with treatment, about 1 in 10 patients with respiratory diphtheria succumb to the disease. Without treatment, the fatality rate can be as high as 50%.
For the latest Diphtheria News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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