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Medical Tips

Sponsored Content  Mar 24, 2023  2 years ago
Allergies are common concerns for parents. Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to substances in the environment. This article will discuss children's allergies, causes, symptoms, and treatment options.   A study conducted by The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that in children aged between 6 and 12, the prevalence of allergic rhinitis was 44%, asthma was 1...
Source: Health Tips  Jun 30, 2020  5 years ago
Health Tips: According to a new study from researchers at the University of California-Davis, raw or unpasteurized cows' milk from U.S. retail stores can hold a huge amount of antimicrobial-resistant genes if left at room temperature, The research also found bacteria that harbored antimicrobial-resistant genes can transfer them to other bacteria, potentially spreading resistance if consumed. ...
Source: Fats  May 19, 2020  5 years ago
Fats: Unknown to many, there are three distinct types of fat cells in the human body and understanding what they are and their properties could help us manage our weights and also our health. We all know that carrying excess fat is bad as it can lead to a number of chronic disease including diabetes, cardiovascular problems and also kidney disease. It is important to understand that not all fat ce...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Nov 24, 2019  5 years ago
Literally, 70 percent of the white collar workforce In Thailand complain of being fatigue. Many reasons could be attributed to this ie the air pollution, the hot and humid weather, the cold office and mall environments, economic stress, traffic jams, dietary habits, drinking, or even underlying diseases.   Typically, fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy that ...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Nov 18, 2019  5 years ago
The lemon water hype started about 4 years ago in the US and spread globally and started to rise increasingly in 2017 to the point that celebrities were swearing by it, commercial bottled versions started to appear in supermarkets, organic stores and wellness centres and even so called prominent medical news sites were disseminating fake news about its merits. (google search lemon water and you ca...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Nov 17, 2019  5 years ago
The human liver is the largest organ inside the body, and it plays a vital role. In fact, its function is so important that without it, the body would die within less than 24 hours. The liver serves as a processing plant for the nutrients obtained from food and a detoxification center for various chemicals and compounds produced in the body as a result of various cellular and internal processes an...
Source: Thailand Medical News  Oct 27, 2019  5 years ago
Unknown to many, Dementia is not a sentence that is handed down to the elderly and old, there are many things that one can do to prevent dementia as you age and most of that has to start when you are still in the early ages of between 30 to 40.   A Lancet Commissions report from 24 leading dementia researchers says that between 35 to 55 percent of dementia comes from preventable causes...