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COVID-19 News - China - Human Vectors  Dec 27, 2022  1 year, 10 months, 23 hours, 9 minutes ago

COVID-19 News: China To Release Human ‘Bioweapons’ To Spread More Virulent Variants Globally As It Relaxes All Border Controls On The 8th Of January 2023!

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COVID-19 News: China To Release Human ‘Bioweapons’ To Spread More Virulent Variants Globally As It Relaxes All Border Controls On The 8th Of January 2023!
COVID-19 News - China - Human Vectors  Dec 27, 2022  1 year, 10 months, 23 hours, 9 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: China is adopting a new approach in its global war against the West and elsewhere as instead of just letting its own country suffer the consequences of new variants that are believed to be causing an increasing risk of disease severity and also increased risk of mortality, it is going to unleash these new variants to rest of the world especially to the West when it officially relaxes all border and travel restrictions on the 8th of January 2023!

According to latest COVID-19 News updates, both foreign travelers will be allowed into the country easily while its own Chinese human vectors will be travelling in millions across to various countries around the world to help spread the new SARS-CoV-2 variants that have emerged in its country. Similar to what it did in early of 2020 before the Chinese New Year.
China will fortunately possess the heads up on these new variants as over the last few days it has banned genomic sequencings by private entities and researchers and only state labs are allowed to conduct genomic sequencings but that data is not to be released to the public or any foreign entities without any prior approvals from top Chinese state officials.
The Western countries that have open door border policies like the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Germany etc will face more worrisome COVID-19 surges when these Chinese vectors come visiting their countries in droves.
A certain South-East Asian country run by military dictators and full of corrupted government officials along with being famous for its cheap whores that have a reputation for terrible and disappointing sex because of their intellectual disabilities (A disability that affects about 90 percent of its population irrespective of educational background or social strata!) that is now desperate for the tourist’s dollar will have its tourist officials wagging their tails once the Chinese come to the country, oblivious that its going to affect the local citizens badly …not only from having more Chinese mafia coming into the country to indulge in criminal activities but also in terms of affecting the locals with newer SARS-CoV-2 variants.
While China is still denying that there are not much cases of increased mortality from the current COVID-19 wave and that hospitals are not being overwhelmed, daily updates from concerned citizens and foreign journalist in the country are showing otherwise.
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By late January  2023 we should have millions of Chinese travelers scattered around the world spreading the new variants as many will be travelling out during the coming Chinese New Year Holidays that start on the 22nd of January 2023 and we can expect that 2023 is going to be a far worse year in terms of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as we literally have no therapeutic or prophylactic tools left to deal with these new variants.
Thailand Medical News will be proving updates in the next few hours on the identified variants in China as we have just received updates for our sources in Shanghai and Beijing.
For the latest COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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