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COVID-19 News - Variety Of XBB Sublineages Driving COVID-19 Onslaught In India  Mar 20, 2023  1 year, 11 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 20 hours, 18 minutes ago

COVID-19 News: Variety Of XBB Sublineages Driving New Onslaught In India, 918 COVID-19 Infections, 3 Deaths In Last 24 Hours. Official Figures Unreliable!

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COVID-19 News: Variety Of XBB Sublineages Driving New Onslaught In India, 918 COVID-19 Infections, 3 Deaths In Last 24 Hours. Official Figures Unreliable!
COVID-19 News - Variety Of XBB Sublineages Driving COVID-19 Onslaught In India  Mar 20, 2023  1 year, 11 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 20 hours, 18 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: Indian Health authorities reported a mere 918 COVID-19 Infections, and only 3 COVID-19 deaths in the last 24 hours casting doubt on the reliability of such official figures!

Doctors and hospitals in the state of Maharashtra and Gujerat are witnessing a high rise in hospitalizations due to COVID-19 and outpatient clinics are literally being outrun by symptomatic and sick COVID-19 individuals and the numbers do not seem to tally with official figures being released by health authorities to the media.
Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal are also other states seeing a rise in COVID-19 cases besides other respiratory infections.
In has also come to light that certain state politicians are ensuring that COVID-19 testing is only conducted as a last resort in hospitals when patients are admitted for respiratory infections!
It is speculated that India could actually be seeing like about 7,000 to 15,000 symptomatic cases of COVID-19 a day at present but as a result of inadequate testing coupled with cover-up practices, the public and media are being presented with a false reporting of the actual scenario.
India’s current onslaught is being driven by a multitude of SARS-CoV-2 XBB sub-lineages and also some newer unidentified variants as genomic sequencing is extremely low at the moment across the country despite initial claims by authorities a few weeks ago that genomic sequencings would be increased.
Among the variety of XBB sub-lineages found in India are XBB (32.31%), XBB.1 (19.03%), XBB.2 (17.85%), XBB.3 (14.03%), XBB.1.5 (6.15%), XBB.2.3 (2.29%), XBB.2.5 (1.50%), XBB.6 (1.02%), XBB.5 (0.83%), XBB.4 (0.75%), XBB.1.9.1 (0.75%), XBB.1.9 (0.59%), XBB.1.3 (0.51%), XBB.1.9.2 (0.39%), XBB.3.1 (0.32%), XBB.2.4 (0.28%), XBB.1.5.12 (0.24%), XBB.1.11.1 (0.16%), XBB.1.9.3 (0.16%), XBB.2.1 (0.12%), XBB.1.15 (0.12%), XBB.1.1 (0.08%), XBB.1.5.4 (0.08%), XBB.1.7 (0.08%), XBB.1.4 (0.08%), XBB.1.5.8 (0.08%), XBB.1.5.5 (0.08%), XBB.1.5.13 (0.04%), XBB.1.12 (0.04%), XBB.1.13 (0.04%) and XBB.3.2 (0.04%).*&
Some of these sub-lineages emerged in India itself and there is not much studies yet about their pathogenicity or tropisms but as usual those in the vulnerable groups are once again being affected badly ie the old, the young, the obese, those with existing comorbidities such as diabetes hypertension and heart issues, those who are immunocompromised especially those with HIV and Cancer and also those with certain genetic predispositions.
The XBB.1.16 Variant has also made its debut in India and is also increasing in circulation. But as of now there is no real data or "">COVID-19 News coverages that it is driving disease severity or hospitalizations despite studies claiming that mutations in its ORFb proteins are causing more immune issues.*
The coming weeks will likely bring more revelations about the true COVID-19 situation in India as when hospitals and crematoriums reach a certain threshold, even politician and health authorities will not be able to conceal any news.
For the latest on the COVID-19 situation in India, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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