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Source: European COVID-19 News  Nov 22, 2021  2 years, 11 months, 5 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes ago

France Hit By Sudden Emergence Of 5th COVID Wave. Protests All Over Europe Over Leaders Imposing Vaccine Mandates And Even Mandatory Vaccines!

France Hit By Sudden Emergence Of 5th COVID Wave. Protests All Over Europe Over Leaders Imposing Vaccine Mandates And Even Mandatory Vaccines!
Source: European COVID-19 News  Nov 22, 2021  2 years, 11 months, 5 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes ago
It was reported by the French government on Sunday that fifth-wave coronavirus infections in France are rising at an alarming rate, with new daily COVID-19 cases close to doubling over the past week.

According to the French health authorities the seven-day average of new cases reached 17,153 on Saturday, up from 9,458 a week earlier, according to the health authorities, an increase of 81 percent.
French government spokesman Gabrial Attal told Thailand Medical News, "The fifth wave is starting at lightning speed." 
He added, “The latest seven-day increase is three times the average rise of cases recorded over the previous three weeks, indicating an exponential acceleration of infections.”
Fortunately for now the spike in infections has not led to a massive influx of COVID patients into hospitals, with the health authorities attributing the limited number of intensive care patients to France's high rate of vaccinations which appear highly effective against the most dangerous forms of COVID.
Hospitals across France on Saturday reported a total of 7,974 COVID patients in their care, with 1,333 of them in intensive treatment. This compares to 6,500 and 1,000, respectively, a month earlier.
The government spokesman added, "There is a very strong increase in infections, but we also know that in France we have a very large vaccination cover. We seem to be ahead of our neighbors concerning booster shots."
He also said that France's introduction of a health pass ahead of other countries in the summer was also helping to keep COVID in check. The health pass, required in French restaurants, cafes and many cultural venues, certifies that a person is fully vaccinated, has recently recovered from COVID, or has tested negative for the virus.
Protest Erupting All Over Europe Over Nazi Dictators Imposing Vaccine Mandates and Even Making Vaccine Mandatory.
Meanwhile it has been reported that hundreds of thousands of people all over Europe are protesting in various countries over vaccine mandates and even mandatory vaccines being imposed by Nazi dictators in many European countries.
It is hilarious and at the same time ironical that Europe, which has always been the champions for democracy, freedom and human rights are allowing some of so-called leaders who are behaving worst that Nazi dictators to infringe of the individual human rights of the masses.
While vaccines are necessary and have been useful to a certain degree in terms of lowering the incidences of the disease severity and hospitalizations for those infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it should not be forced upon the people and neither should those who for what reasons do not want the vaccines be subjected to human rights abuses.
Governments should engage with the unvaccinated and reason out with them and also engage in proper and credible educational campaigns to help dispel any doubts people might have about the vaccines. Yes, the unvaccinated should be told take more precautions and be barred from certain public events but they should not be barred access to supermarkets to get their foods, hospitals to get medical treatments or banks to get their monies or even their jobs taken away from them. There is no valid proof that the vaccinated are not also spreading the virus and that only the unvaccinated are doing so.
The whole issue of vaccine mandates originated with the senile geriatric Biden on orders from the black ape that is controlling him and a few eugenicist billionaires. Americans should wake up and do something about that whole group including the doctor that created the bioweapon.
It was reported that tens of thousands of people have been marching in the Belgian capital, Brussels, to protest against anti-COVID measures.
Certain protesters even retaliated against police officers who were attacking them with tear gas and water cannons and undue violence by throwing firecrackers at the violent police.
Protesters are mainly opposed to the use of COVID passes, which stops the unvaccinated from entering venues such as restaurants or bars.
The Belgium protest comes after fresh protests in the Netherlands against new lockdown rules.
It was reported that on Saturday, people hurled fireworks at police and set fire to bicycles in The Hague, one night after protests in Rotterdam turned violent and police fired gunshots.
Many of the hardline policies in Amsterdam were reported to be imposed by the Mayor of Amsterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb who is a Muslim!
It was also reported that across Europe, tens of thousands more demonstrators also took to the streets in Austria, Croatia and Italy as anger mounted over new COVID-19 curbs.
Rules on face masks have been tightened In Belgium, including in places such as restaurants where COVID passes are already required, and most Belgians will also have to work from home four days a week until mid-December. There are also plans to make vaccinations for health workers compulsory.
The World Health Organization (WHO) earlier, said it was "very worried" about rising coronavirus cases on the continent.
The WHO Europe regional director, Dr Hans Kluge, told the media that unless measures were tightened across Europe, half a million more deaths could be recorded by next spring.,000-new-covid-19-deaths-by-february-2022-as-new-variants-wreak-havoc-in-europe
He said, "COVID-19 has become once again the number one cause of mortality in our region. We know what needs to be done in order to fight the virus - such as getting vaccinated, wearing masks, and using COVID passes.”
So it seems that the COVID-19 passes are also being encouraged by the WHO that is led by the black Ethiopian national Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who has made so many blunders from day one in terms of preventing the spread of the coronavirus across the globe from China.
Numerous governments across the European continent are bringing in new restrictions to try to tackle rising infections. A number of countries have recently reported record-high daily case numbers.
It was reported that in the Netherlands, a second night of riots broke out on Saturday in several towns and cities.
Protesters set fire to bicycles in The Hague, as riot police used horses, dogs and batons to chase the crowds away. Officials announced an emergency order in the city, and at least seven people were arrested.
Two top-flight football matches were briefly halted after supporters broke into the grounds and ran on to the pitch. Fans are currently banned from stadiums because of new coronavirus rules.
The social unrest followed a night of riots in Rotterdam condemned by the city's Muslim mayor as "an orgy of violence!" Police fired warning shots and direct shots at unarmed protesters. At least three demonstrators are receiving hospital treatment for gunshot wounds, officers said. Authorities have launched an investigation.
Netherlands imposed a three-week partial lockdown last weekend after recording a record spike in COVID cases. Bars and restaurants must close at 8pm, and crowds are banned at sports events.
Also, tens of thousands of people protested in Austria's capital, Vienna, after the government announced a new national lockdown and plans to make jabs compulsory in February 2022.
It is the first stupid European country to make vaccination a legal requirement. It should be noted that during the world war two, Austria was part of the Nazi German movement.
Brandishing national flags and banners reading "Freedom", protesters shouted "Resistance!" and booed the police.
Austria will enter a 20-day nationwide lockdown from Monday, shutting all but essential shops and ordering people to work from home.

The stupid mandatory vaccinations have been described as a "double-edged sword" by Andrea Ammon, director for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
She said that the strict rules could make people who were still doubting the vaccine but not fully rejecting it completely turn away from it.
Meanwhile in Croatia, thousands marched in the capital, Zagreb, to show their anger at mandatory vaccinations for public sector workers, while in Italy, a few thousand protesters gathered at the ancient Circus Maximus chariot-racing ground in Rome to oppose "Green Pass" certificates required at workplaces, venues and on public transport.
It was reported that French authorities are sending dozens more police officers to quell unrest on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, a French overseas department.
Riots overnight saw looters ransack dozens of shops and set businesses alight after protests against France's own COVID pass turned violent.
It is expected that in coming weeks, the COVID-19 crisis in Europe will spiral out of control and more social unrest is expected as various European Nazi dictators who have failed to curtail the COVID-19 spread and control, start imposing more measures that are in total violations against human rights issues.


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