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COVID-19 News - India -5335 New Cases In Last 24 Hours  Apr 06, 2023  1 year, 6 months, 1 week, 2 days, 15 hours, 41 minutes ago

India Reports More Than 5,335 New COVID-19 Infections In the Last Few Hours With Hospitalizations Now Increasing And Doctors Are Getting Infected Too!

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India Reports More Than 5,335 New COVID-19 Infections In the Last Few Hours With Hospitalizations Now Increasing And Doctors Are Getting Infected Too!
COVID-19 News - India -5335 New Cases In Last 24 Hours  Apr 06, 2023  1 year, 6 months, 1 week, 2 days, 15 hours, 41 minutes ago
COVID-19 News: More Great News! According to official reports from Indian health authorities, there were more than 5,335 new COVID-19 infections in the last 24 hours. Considering that India has a population of more than 1.4 billion people and that in most crowded cities there is very little precautions being undertaken coupled with the fact there is very little testing and India’s notoriety for lying and concealing COVID-19 statistics is so well established…. we can easily conclude that the actual figures must be much higher.

Punjabi Tailors And Businessmen Rejoicing And Dancing After
Ripping Off Some Foreign Customers, Oblivious That COVID19
Cases Are Going Up!

A latest survey that was reported to the media shows that COVID cases in India may be underreported by 300 Percent!
The SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.16 sub-lineage is the predominant variant in India at the moment accounting for about 52.3 percent of all sequencings.
But it is not the XBB1.16 sub-lineage that people should be worried about thought it can cause sufficient havoc as a result of being more transmissible and slightly more pathogenic than the other XBB sub-lineages as a result of mutations in its ORF 9 proteins. Those in the vulnerable groups would have very little chances of evading its effects.
What is more concerning however is that the XBB.1.16 itself is evolving rather rapidly and spawning so many newer sub-lineages with different mutations.
We at Thailand Medical News strongly believe that it is evolving to completely evade T Cell immunity and also to destroy T Cells!,-eg-1,-eu-1-1-and-fd-1-1-variants
We strongly believe that the next spawns from the XBB.1.16 sub-line with the right viral fitness and mutations will most probably be what we can truly call as SARS-CoV-3 as they will resemble airborne HIV that is more virulent than even HIV itself!
In meanwhile, we also have more good news. As hospitals start to see a gradual rise in COVID hospitalizations, COVID-19 News reports are emerging that doctors and healthcare staff are getting infected as well and some are getting sick! (Can’t wait for that situation to duplicate itself in Thailand after the Songkran break as love to see a certain female endocrinologist and her hypocritical rude sister also get seriously infected!).
It was reported that in Kerala, India while hospitals are seeing rising caseloads, doctors too are getting infected.
We will actually see the real COVID-19 situation in a couple of weeks’ time in India and also globally as the spawns of the XBB.1.16 are also emerging in other countries and its just a matter of weeks.
So, while morons keep on saying stupid things like COVID-19 is over or that it is endemic or that the Boosters will help or that there is no disease severity etc…hopefully the virus will prove all of them wrong and the mortuaries will start joyfully piling up again.  I only hope that this time all those controlling the COVID-19 narratives, their accomplices and minions will also perish in the coming onslaughts or at least get real seriously ill with a significant health damage!
For the latest COVID-19 News, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.


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