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Thailand Medical - Excess Deaths  Jul 12, 2023  1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 21 hours, 55 minutes ago

Thailand Medical Experts And Authorities Should Answer As To Why Excess Deaths In the Country Have Been Rising At Worrisome Rates Since 2021!

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Thailand Medical Experts And Authorities Should Answer As To Why Excess Deaths In the Country Have Been Rising At Worrisome Rates Since 2021!
Thailand Medical - Excess Deaths  Jul 12, 2023  1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 21 hours, 55 minutes ago
Are Thais Being Misled That Everything Is Ok In The Country And That The COVID-19 Crisis Had Been Handled Effectively?
Thailand Medical: A startling discovery on the excess deaths in Thailand since late 2021 to the present is showing an unprecedented and alarming increase in excess deaths in Thailand. The period coincides with the various COVID-19 waves the country experienced and also the various vaccination drives.

The excess death rates in Thailand have been hovering between 25% to 12% over various quarterly spans since late 2021 till now and mind you these are based on officially reported data that is collated by the platform Mortality Watch that is a reputable platform that is often cited by many governments, researchers and media around the world!
For all these last few years, we have always been led to believe that the COVID-19 crisis has been well managed in the country with even the WHO  showering accolades on the country for managing the COVID-19 crisis well.
The WHO even got Thailand to share its strategies as to how it managed to control the COVID-19 crisis so well to other countries as well.
The excess deaths rates maybe is a reflection of how Thailand has been able to manage the COVID-19 crisis so well!
The WHO should also comment on this alarming excess death rates in the country as well.
All the while we constantly have the typical faces claiming to be leading Thailand Medical experts on media telling us how well the COVID-19 situation has been managed and that there is no fear of any threats.
Alarms of threats posed by emerging COVID-19 variants and sub-lineages and rising hospitalization rates were often condemned as being fake news and from time to time we had the usual so called ‘experts’ some claiming to be virologists saying that these variants and sub-lineages were all mild and that Thais had good immunity etc.
Hospital and healthcare staff raising alarms were often dismissed as spreading undue worries and many were even restricted from making media comments.
So why the exponential rise in excess deaths in the last few years? Can someone explain? Was it due to the maybe the cumulative effects of the economic hardships caused in the last 9 years? Or maybe Thais were simply so happy and living in the up the last 9 years, affecting their health indirectly and cumulatively resulting in their deaths the last few years? Was it due to the relaxation of the Kratom or Cannabis laws?
It seems that the Thai people have been lied to and those responsible should be held accountable. Proper investigations and reports should be made and the public must be told as to what was driving these excess deaths including detailed breakdowns etc and we do not need some old charlatan that is linked to the Sinovac vaccines from a medical establishment that is famous for making questionable medical claims and discoveries to go on the non-credible and controlled mainstream media that is receiving monies from various agencies through sponsored post from  making statements that these excess deaths are normal or are not too high to be worried about or that it was the unvaccinated only driving these excess deaths or that some the data reported is fake etc. Excess deaths are still rising as of now and death rates are still increasing as you read this article!
In fact, we at Thailand Medical News would not be surprised if the actual excess deaths are even much more higher than that reported on the Mortality Watch platform as all collated figured were from agencies whose credibility and trust is questionable!
Special Thanks to these two twitter accts for bring this to our attention.
For the latest On Excess Deaths, keep on logging to Thailand Medical News.
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