Thailand Medical News - For All The Latest Breaking Medical News, Health News, Research News, COVID-19 News, Outbreak News, Dengue News, Glaucoma News, Diabetes News, Herb News, Phytochemical News, Heart And Cardiology News, Epigenetic News, Cancer News,



Latests Medical News from around the world and also Thailand, bringing you updates, discoveries, studies and findings on various aspects and diseases in the medical world. Most of these articles are not only meant for Doctors In Thailand or Hospitals In Thailand but also for any patients or health conscious individuals wanting to know more.
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Mutations  Aug 01, 2021  3 years ago
A new study led by researchers from Kumamoto University-Japan and , Weizmann Institute of Science-Israel have found that the L452R mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is common to two mutant strains, the Epsilon and Delta, can evade cellular immunity through the human leukocyte (HLA) A24 and can increase viral infectivity. According to the study team which also involved scientist...
Source: COVID-19 Symptoms  Aug 01, 2021  3 years ago
Researchers from King’s College London along with experts from University College London have in a new study tried to differentiate the symptoms associated with COVID-19 vaccinations and those that are seen from early COVID-19 infections. Symptom prevalence and distribution during the first week after the first dose of vaccination, in symptomatic individuals testing positive or negative fo...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Jul 31, 2021  3 years ago
An alarming warning has been issued by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) ie a British Government body that advises the central British government in emergencies and chaired by the United Kingdom's Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, that future strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus could be as deadly as MERS, which kills 35% of those it infects. The warnings wer...
Source: Lambda Variant  Jul 31, 2021  3 years ago
Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tokai University, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kobe University, University of Miyazaki , Osaka University, National Institute of Infectious Diseases-Tokyo  and the National Institute of Genetics-Japan based on a new study conducted have concluded that the Lambda variant is to date the most lethal variant to ever emer...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jul 30, 2021  3 years ago
Researchers from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine-UK, Liverpool University Hospitals –UK, University of Oxford-UK and Pfizer Vaccines-USA in a new study investigating the immunological consequences of secondary Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) infection in COVID-19 patients have found that S. pneumoniae, which is a Gram-positive bacterium responsible for pneumonia, mod...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs-Budesonide  Jul 29, 2021  3 years ago
Another study finding has emerged proving the antiviral effects of Budesonide when used either as an inhaler or as a nasal spray.   German researchers from the Ruhr-University Bochum and also from the European Virus Bioinformatics Center (EVBC) based in Jena-Germany have in a new study confirmed the viral effects of Budesonide against the wildtype SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and even against the ...
Source: COVID-19 Antivirals  Jul 29, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by scientists from the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC)-China has found that lectins derived from lentils (Lens culinaris)- a staple in Indian cuisine often known as dhal, exhibits antiviral properties against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal: Emerging Microbes and Infection.
Source: Breaking COVID-19 News  Jul 28, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from the University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom has found that inflammation and blood clotting seen in very severe cases of COVID-19 may be caused by the antibodies sent to fight the disease activating unnecessary platelet activity in the lungs. According to the study team a subset of patients with COVID-19 typically become critically ill, suffering from severe ...
Source:COVID-19 Disinfectants  Jul 28, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Queen’s University Belfast-UK has found that rosin soap could serve as a virucide against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The study findings showed that rosin soap was able to rapidly and potently inactivate influenza virus and other enveloped viruses. The study team which also included researchers from Finland showed that rosin soap can inactivate the human enve...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Research   Jul 27, 2021  3 years ago
A new French study led by the Institut Pasteur has found that a domain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus Nsp 3protein interacts with unusual human host deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) structures called G-quadruplexes or G4s and this interaction could possibly be contributing to virulence. The use of inhibitors of these interactions could serve as potential antiviral compounds. ...
Source: COVID-19 Pandemic  Jul 26, 2021  3 years ago
As the more potent Delta variant is fast becoming the dominant strain and is fast spreading around the various populations globally, along with more potential dangers from other emerging variants, it is important for everyone to stay safe and to play their part in trying to control the pandemic. ???   The WHO, U.S. CDC, various governments, numerous researchers , doctors, media and vaccine ...
Source: Help Needed  Jul 26, 2021  3 years ago
Thailand Medical News has been trying to rasie funds to purchase COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits, oxygen concentrators, high flow nasal oxygen machines and various drugs for migrant workers in Bangkok and Maesot province and also for Thais in Bangkok. Despite numerous appeals, we did not even get one buyer or even one donor! We have tons of readers from around the world but no support.(Off course...
Source: Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Jul 25, 2021  3 years ago
British health officials are investigating a new variant designated B.1.621 that has made a debut in the country. Researchers are warning that this new variant could be another VOC or variant of concern that is likely to contribute towards steering the course of the COVID-19 pandemic as it gets to be more dominant in circulation. The B.1.621 variant was initially identified in Columbia somet...
Source: Herbs and Phytochemicals for COVID-19.  Jul 24, 2021  3 years ago
As the COVID-19 pandemic fast accelerates into a more catastrophic mode and there are still no effective antivirals to date plus antibody therapies as well as vaccines are beginning to show signs of being defeated by the new emerging variants, there is a dire need for effective therapeutics against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and various study teams around the world are frantically searching for pr...
Source: COVID-19 Diagnostics  Jul 23, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Diagnostics: A new study by researchers from the University of Manchester-UK has found that platelet size can be used to predict COVID-19 severity and mortality. According to the researchers, parameters reflecting platelet size can be sensitive indicators that circulating platelets are activated and COVID-19 patients are at increased risk of thrombosis.   The team attempted to asses...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Induces Human Epigenomic Reprogramming  Jul 23, 2021  3 years ago
An alarming study finding of a recent research conducted by scientist from the University of Texas Science Center, Houston-USA, has revealed that upon infection, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus alters the host chromatin architecture to suppress antiviral interferon-responsive genes and augment inflammatory genes. The process that SARS-CoV-2 deploys is similar to what can be termed as epigenomic reprogr...
Source: Epstein-Barr virus and COVID-19  Jul 22, 2021  3 years ago
A number of studies are emerging that indicate Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation may play a role both in the development of long COVID symptoms, as well as severe COVID-19 cases. It has been found that Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients sometimes experience long-term symptoms following resolution of acute disease, including fatigue, brain fog, and rashes.   One study published ...
Source: COVID-19 Cat Transmission   Jul 22, 2021  3 years ago
An alarming study finding has emerged from a research conducted by scientist from Wageningen Bioveterinary Research-Netherlands  and Wageningen University-Netherlands in which it has been found that domestic cats play a role in the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-the agent that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The research team has also...
Source: COVID-19 Induced Acute Kidney Injury  Jul 21, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from Mayo Clinic has found that acute kidney injury often found in most hospitalized COVID-19 patients are similar to that of sepsis-caused kidney injury and that the immune response triggered by the infection plays a pivotal role. The study findings also suggest that that mitochondrial dysfunction ie a loss of function in cellular energy production is commonly foun...
Source: Diet and COVID-19 Protection  Jul 21, 2021  3 years ago
Researchers from the Department of Preventive Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University-Chicago have in a new study found that healthy diets rich in vegetables and more than one cup of black coffee per day might actually help protect against COVID-19.   The study findings were published in the peer reviewed journal: Nutrients. &nb...
Source: COVID-19 Immunology  Jul 20, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by researchers from the University of California-San Francisco and the Gladstone Institutes-California has shown that exhausted T cells are linked to increased risk of COVID-19 mortality. Despite T cells being key players in SARS-CoV-2 immunity, little is known about the phenotypic features of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells associated with recovery from the COVID-19 disease. &n...
Source: India COVID-19 News  Jul 20, 2021  3 years ago
India already has earned the reputation of being the land of COVID-19 scams, second to China but more despicable as often their own innocent people are the victims.
Source: SARS-CoV-2 And Human Skin  Jul 20, 2021  3 years ago
Alarming study findings have emerged from a new study conducted by Spanish researchers from the Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC)-Spain in which it was found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus spike glycoproteins were able to interact with oily human skin surfaces and also skin sebum and ceramides. The study team said in their abstract that the possibility of contamination o...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Jul 19, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by biotech researchers from Hangzhou-China involved in a development of new drug formulation has found that N-Acetylneuraminic Acid (NANA)  and its analogs such as acetylneuraminic acid methyl ester (NANA-Me) are able prevent and also treat adverse reactions caused by COVID-19 infections and also by COVID-19 vaccines. Edible Bird's Nest- A Good Source Of N-Acetylneuramin...
Source: Israel And Pfizer  Jul 19, 2021  3 years ago
WTF! For all these months we were brainwashed that the inoculations developed and being used to control this current pandemic were at least effective in preventing  progression of disease severity and also prevent mortality even though they fail to prevent infections and the spread of the virus! Israel was showcased by 'bastard journalists' from Western media that the vaccination pro...
Source: Long COVID-19 News  Jul 18, 2021  3 years ago
A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Birmingham indicates that individuals who exhibit 5 or more symptoms during the first week of a SARS-CoV-2 infection are most likely to develop Long COVID. Note: Not only adults can get Long COVID, lots of children are now being discovered to suffer from Long COVID as well and special attention are needed for them.   Worldwide, ther...
Source: Indian Researchers  Jul 18, 2021  3 years ago
From day one of the COVID-19 crisis, we have been flooded with stories of studies getting retracted from various journals as a result of inaccuracies and garbage being thrown at our faces by many Indian researchers. Off course nothing beats it all like the Surgispheres scandal that involved a Indian porn star and  non-existent lists of participants involved in a couple of COVID-19 drug studi...
Source: Announcement  Jul 18, 2021  3 years ago
Note that all our stocks of medical oxygen concentrators, medical oxygen tanks and high flow medical oxygen machines are sold out and we do not expect any stocks for the next 3 to 6 months as some of the overseas suppliers are themselves overwhelmed. Please do not send us queries for these products for the time being as we are unable to deliver.   As for AEDs or automated external defibrill...
Source: COVID-19 Disease  Jul 18, 2021  3 years ago
A new comprehensive study by researchers from University of São Paulo-Brazila and the Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual –Brazil has uncovered more concerning details about the COVID-19 disease. The researchers warn that COVID-19 is a chronic disease that can trigger immunoparalysis , autoimmune diseases, neoplastic transformation and latent infectious diseases! The Lon...
Source: Thailand Coronavirus News  Jul 17, 2021  3 years ago
Thailand Coronavirus News: It is hard being the Prime Minister at the moment as whatever decision is taken, there are always going to be people that are not happy and going to kick up a ruckus. However at the same time the Government has to accept responsibility that due to poorly made decisions in the last few months, the COVID-19 situation deteriorated badly. Thais who are homeless and low-inco...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Jul 17, 2021  3 years ago
Finally a study that goes along the lines of what Thailand Medical News has been saying for a long time: every SARS-CoV-2 variant exhibits a unique pathogenesis pattern and also affects the human immune system differently! COVID-19 is not a homogenous diseases caused by a common pathogen! Every variant is unique and hence ultimately the only way to better treat COVID-19 is through a personalized m...
Source: COVID-19 And The Human Skin  Jul 16, 2021  3 years ago
Our understanding and data about the SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease is evolving day by day but we are still lagging behind the novel coronavirus as the virus itself is evolving and coming up with new variants that behave differently and also exhibit different pathogenesis and affects different human cellular pathways and also reacts differently with those pathways. To make matters worse, th...
Source: COVID-19 Research- Mutations  Jul 16, 2021  3 years ago
A new study by scientists from the Technische Universitat Berlin-Germany and University of Oxford-UK claims that SARS-CoV-2 mutations like N501Y could be indirectly be caused by host commensal microbiota. From the study abstract, the researchers say, “Since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, little attention has been paid to the interplay between the interaction of virus and commensal microbiota....
Source: Pediatric COVID-19  Jul 16, 2021  3 years ago
Pediatric COVID-19: A new study by researchers from various British institutions and hospitals including the University of Liverpool, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, Evelina Children's Hospital, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, University of Newcastle, Oxford Children's Hospital, Nottingham Children's Hospital, University of Glasgow, University of Newcastle and many other...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs-Statins  Jul 16, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Drugs: A new study by researchers from the University of California-San Diego School Of medicine-USA has confirmed that patients taking statin medications had a 41 percent lower risk of in-hospital death from COVID-19. According to the study team, statins have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects that may reduce the severity of the COVID-19 disease, in which organ dysfunction i...
Source: Long COVID News  Jul 15, 2021  3 years ago
With official figures stating that more than 188 million individuals globally have been infected with the COVID-19 disease and majority deemed ‘recovered’ but the US CDC and WHO saying the figures could be far much more ie tenfold, one cannot but feel worried about the impact of long term medical conditions from Long COVID and how it is going to bring about the eventual collapse health...
Source: SARS-CoV-2 Variants  Jul 15, 2021  3 years ago
Thailand Medical News is warning scientists, medical researches, genomic experts and virologist to pay careful attention to the second, third and fourth generation variants emerging from the Delta, Gamma and Lambda lineages. Currently the world is too engrossed simply on the VOCs or variants of concern and also vaccines but very little is focused on the emerging second, third and fourth generatio...
Source: COVID-19 Therapeutics  Jul 15, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Therapeutics: A new study by researchers from University of Fukui-Japan shows that Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) could be used as potential therapeutics to treat COVID-19 and also to act as a prophylaxis. The researchers showed that SCFAs could downregulate ACE2 in epithelial cells. According to the study team inflammatory endotype affects ACE2 expression in the nasal mucosa and influe...
Source: COVID-19 Clinical Care-Heparin  Jul 14, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Clinical Care: A new study undertaken by medical researchers from the St. Michael's Hospital, a treatment site of Unity Health Toronto and the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine indicates that administering a full dose of a standard blood thinner early to moderately ill hospitalized patients with COVID-19 could halt the thrombo-inflammation process and reduce the risk of...
Source: COVID-19 Drugs-Aspirin  Jul 14, 2021  3 years ago
Aspirin-COVID-19: A detailed systematic review and meta-analysis study by researchers from the Michigan State University, USA has found that aspirin usage is associated with a significant reduction in overall and in-hospital mortality rates. The current COVID-19 pandemic has so far caused more than 4.05 million deaths and far more are expected to die in coming surges.   The benefits of aspir...
Source: Nanodiamonds And Coronavirus Vaccines  Jul 13, 2021  3 years ago
For the DTC company, diamond sight holders and wholesalers that are undergoing a slump in sales as a result of retail jewelry sales being badly hit globally due to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there might be a silver lining after all as there is now a new usage and demand for diamonds in the medical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries in the form of nanodiamonds.   ...
Source: COVID-19 Pandemic And Emerging Variants  Jul 13, 2021  3 years ago
Study findings of a new research  by scientists from the University of Toronto alarmingly indicates  that the current COVID-19 pandemic is likely to become more deadly and lethal as more emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants are manifesting progressive increase in transmissibility and virulence. The study team said that the period from February to June 2021 was one during which initial wild-type...
Source: Long COVID  Jul 13, 2021  3 years ago
Long COVID: A new research led by scientists from Scripps Research Translational Institute, San Diego, California has confirmed that COVID-19 induces long term effects on the heart rate of those infected and also causes other heart issues as well as behavioral and physiological impacts that can last over 79 days! Individuals who contract COVID-19 are at a greater risk to suffer from an irregular ...
Source: Medical Innovations And Startups  Jul 12, 2021  3 years ago
Medical Innovations: Australian researchers from RMIT University, Melbourne in collaboration with biotech start-up Soterius have developed a new sensor that can detect the presence of tiny amounts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its variants from a person’s breath or even the environment despite minute amounts present. It works extremely well even with those that are asymptomatic. The new senso...
Source: Breaking SARS-CoV-2 News  Jul 12, 2021  3 years ago
More confusing data is emerging and maybe Senator Rand Paul and other fact –checkers can help us to ascertain the truth. It seems more day by day that China was never ever involved in any way with the start of the current COVID-19 pandemic and is in fact nothing more than a victim themselves. Yes their vaccines might be substandard in terms of efficacy  as with most China made products...
Source: COVID-19 Research  Jul 11, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Research: Scientist from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor-USA and the Northeastern University, Shenyang- China have in a new study found that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can also use the CAT, AGTR2, L-SIGN and DC-SIGN receptors to gain entry into human cells and not just by the ACE2 receptors or other known receptors such as the TMPRSS2 and NRP-1 receptors etc. This new discovery wil...
Source: Breaking COVID-19 News  Jul 11, 2021  3 years ago
The ongoing European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) that is being held online this year is showcasing lots of new worrisome trends that is emerging in the COVID-19 pandemic. One presentation from researchers from Belgium warned that as more SARS-CoV-2 variants emerge, the number of cases of co-infections with two or more variants is fa...
Source: HIV-COVID-19  Jul 10, 2021  3 years ago
HIV-COVID-19: Numerous case studies are emerging that special attention needs to be paid to HIV patients should they contract the COVID-19 disease as their immunocompromised conditions make them perfect ‘vivo laboratories’ for the SARS-CoV-2 to constantly mutate and develop more potent and worrisome mutations and resultant variants. In one case study published on a preprint server by ...
Source: Coronavirus News  Jul 10, 2021  3 years ago
Coronavirus News:  A new study by researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen-Denmark indicates that lockdowns imposed by authorities in certain countries and locations exert selection pressure on overdispersion of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. The type of lockdowns, the varying degrees of movement restrictions and target groups affected and also the degree of va...
Source: Heart-COVID-19  Jul 09, 2021  3 years ago
Heart and COVID-19: Considering that a high percentage of COVID-19 patients including those that were deemed as having “recovered” are manifesting atrial fibrillation ie an irregular heartbeat that can increase a person's risk for heart failure and stroke, among other heart issues, researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine have identified a type of echocardiogram which is a common te...
Source: Coronavirus News  Jul 09, 2021  3 years ago
A recent article published on the website of the In Association of American Physicians and Surgeons website is extremely concerning and there is an urgent need for qualified medical fact checkers to verify as to whether what is written is fake or true. Should the details written be fake, the website should be taken down immediately and...
Source: COVID-19-Myocarditis  Jul 08, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Warning: A new meta study by researchers from India, United States, Peru, Russia and  Pakistan involving more than 41 published case reports and clinical studies alarmingly indicates that myocarditis is a real threat to those who had contracted the COVID-19 disease and had so called been deemed as recovered from the disease. The study findings also collaborate with the fact that the...
Source: COVID-19 Immunology  Jul 08, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Immunology: Australian scientists from the University of New South Wales, the Children’s Hospital at Westmead-Sydney, Westmead Institute for Medical Research-Sydney and the New South Wales Health Pathology-Sydney researching how our immune system responds to COVID-19 have discovered  that those infected by early SARS-CoV-2 strains in 2020 produced sustained antibodies, however,...
Source: COVID-19 Warning  Jul 07, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Warnings: A new study to be presented at the coming European Association of Urology Congress, EAU21 by Italian researchers from San Raffaele University Hospital in Milan says that men with low testosterone are more likely to die from COVID-19. According to the study team, men with symptomatic COVID-19, who were found to have low testosterone following admittance to hospital, were more li...
Source: COVID-19-Immunology  Jul 07, 2021  3 years ago
COVID-19 Immunology: A new study by researchers from the Medical University of Vienna-Austria, Nebion-Switzerland and the National Institutes of Health-United States has shown that together with their multifaceted action mechanisms, activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) and so-called APOBEC proteins are important factors in the body's immune response and offer fast and effective protecti...


Jul 25, 2024  3 months ago
Nikhil Prasad
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Nikhil Prasad
Jun 10, 2023  1 year ago
COVID-19 News - DNA Methylation - Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections
Sep 08, 2022  2 years ago
Source- Medical News - COVID-19 Research - Impaired Pain Modulation
Aug 04, 2022  2 years ago
Source: Medical News - SARS-CoV-2 & Cancer

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