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Nikhil Prasad  Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Jun 23, 2024  4 months, 2 days, 17 hours, 33 minutes ago

The Hidden Role of Metals in Cancer: A Double-Edged Sword

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The Hidden Role of Metals in Cancer: A Double-Edged Sword
Nikhil Prasad  Fact checked by:Thailand Medical News Team Jun 23, 2024  4 months, 2 days, 17 hours, 33 minutes ago
Cancer News: Understanding cancer can be quite complex. While we often hear about genetic mutations and environmental factors like smoking or radiation as causes, there is another lesser-known factor at play: trace essential metals. These metals, such as zinc, copper, cobalt, iron, and manganese, are crucial for our health in tiny amounts but can contribute to cancer development if imbalanced. This study review by researchers from the Medical University of Lublin-Poland that is covered in this Cancer News report, delves into the ways that these metals can help cause cancer, aids in its progression and also their roles in metastasis.

The Hidden Role of Metals in Cancer

The Dual Nature of Trace Metals
Zinc: The Protector and the Risk
Zinc is vital for numerous bodily functions, including immune response and DNA repair. The body needs zinc to maintain healthy cells, but both deficiency and excess can be problematic. For instance, low zinc levels are found in cancer patients, suggesting a protective role against cancer. However, too much zinc can lead to harmful oxidative stress, potentially damaging DNA and leading to cancer.
-How Zinc Works
Zinc is a micronutrient essential for all living organisms. It forms associations with more than 2500 proteins, representing approximately 10% of the total human proteome. Zinc plays a structural role in various proteins known as "zinc fingers," which are involved in DNA binding. It is also crucial for enzyme activities, gene expression, and cell proliferation. A key player activated by zinc is the metal response element-binding transcription factor-1 (MTF-1), which regulates genes essential for zinc homeostasis and protects against metal toxicity and oxidative stress.
-The Danger of Imbalance
Oxidative stress arises when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. Chronic inflammation and excessive oxidative stress can lead to DNA, protein, and lipid damage, contributing to cancer. Physiological levels of zinc help inhibit the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), protecting cells from oxidative damage. However, zinc deficiency or excess disrupts this balance, potentially leading to cancer.
Copper: Essential Yet Dangerous
Copper is another essential metal involved in producing red blood cells and maintaining nerve cells and the immune system. It plays a significant role in angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), a process that can feed tumors and help them grow. Studies show elevated copper levels in cancer patients, indicating that while necessary for health, copper can also aid in cancer progression if not properly regulated.
-Biological Role of Copper
Copper is absorbed primarily through the diet, with rich sources including organ meats and shellfish. The recommended daily intake for adults ranges from 0.8 to 2.4 mg. Copper supports various biological processes like lipid metabolism and energy regulation. Normally, homeostatic mechanisms maintain low intracellular copper concentrations, but an imbalance, either deficiency or excess, can lead to increased oxidative stress and cellular damage.
-Copper in Cancer
Copper's involvement in cancer extends to tumor growth, proliferation, and metastasis. It activates receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling pathways, promoting cancer cell migration and proliferation. Copper-induced oxidative stress can lead to the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals, damaging DNA and promoting carcinogenesis. Elevated copper levels are often found in various cancers, making it a potential biomarker for cancer progression.
Cobalt: A Vital but Toxic Element
Cobalt is essential for producing vitamin B12, necessary for red blood cell formation. However, excessive cobalt exposure, especially from industrial sources, can be toxic. Prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory issues and increased cancer risk. In laboratory settings, cobalt has been shown to induce oxidative stress and DNA damage, promoting carcinogenesis.
-Importance of Cobalt
Cobalt is crucial for the synthesis of vitamin B12, which is vital for nerve function and red blood cell production. It also plays a role in amino acid synthesis and neurotransmitter production. However, inorganic cobalt is toxic, and prolonged exposure can cause detrimental cellular changes.
-Cobalt's Carcinogenic Potential
Exposure to cobalt can occur through inhalation or skin contact, particularly in industrial settings. Cobalt nanoparticles used in medical implants can lead to systemic and local toxic reactions. These nanoparticles induce oxidative stress and DNA damage, contributing to carcinogenesis. Studies have shown that cobalt can mimic hypoxia, promoting tumor growth and angiogenesis, which are crucial for cancer development.
Iron: From Life-Supporting to Life-Threatening
Iron is crucial for transporting oxygen in the blood and supporting metabolic processes. However, excess iron can catalyze the formation of free radicals, leading to oxidative stress and DNA damage. This can promote cancer development, particularly in the liver and colon. Balancing iron levels is crucial, as both deficiency and excess pose health risks.
-Role of Iron
Iron is the most abundant metal in the human body, essential for oxygen transport and cellular metabolism. It is predominantly found in red blood cells and is necessary for DNA synthesis and cell division. However, iron overload can lead to oxidative stress, causing cellular damage and increasing cancer risk.
-Iron and Cancer
Excessive iron promotes the formation of free radicals through Fenton reactions, leading to oxidative stress and DNA damage. This can result in mutations and cancer. Iron is also involved in the Warburg effect, where cancer cells preferentially use glucose for energy, even in the presence of oxygen. This metabolic shift supports tumor growth and survival. Iron's role in promoting cell proliferation and resisting cell death makes it a significant factor in cancer
Manganese: Essential for Enzymes, Risky in Excess
Manganese is necessary for bone formation, blood clotting, and reducing oxidative stress. It acts as a cofactor for enzymes involved in metabolism and antioxidant defense. However, excessive manganese can be neurotoxic and has been linked to neurodegenerative diseases and possibly cancer through its role in oxidative stress.
-Functions of Manganese
Manganese is vital for enzymatic reactions, including those that neutralize free radicals. It supports immune function, blood clotting, and bone health. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is a critical enzyme that protects cells from oxidative damage by converting superoxide radicals into less harmful molecules.
-Risks of Manganese
While necessary for health, high manganese levels can lead to neurotoxicity and oxidative stress. This oxidative damage can contribute to cancer development. MnSOD plays a dual role in cancer, with high levels associated with increased resistance to chemotherapy and radiation. Its role in the tumor microenvironment, influencing immune cell infiltration, further highlights its complex role in cancer.
Heavy Metals and Cancer Development - Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis
Heavy metals can influence cancer development through various mechanisms:
-Oxidative Stress: Metals like copper, iron, and cobalt can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to DNA damage.
-DNA Damage and Repair: Metals can interfere with the DNA repair mechanisms, causing mutations.
-Cell Signaling: Metals affect cell signaling pathways that control cell growth and division, potentially leading to uncontrolled cell proliferation.
The Role of Metals in Metastasis
In addition to their involvement in the initiation and progression of primary tumors, trace metals also play a significant role in the process of metastasis. Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells from the original tumor to other parts of the body, forming new tumors. This process is complex and involves multiple steps, including detachment of cancer cells from the primary tumor, invasion into surrounding tissues, entry into the bloodstream, survival in circulation, and colonization of new tissues.
Iron and Metastasis
Iron is essential for the rapid growth and division of cancer cells, which require large amounts of iron to sustain their high metabolic rates. Tumors often manipulate iron metabolism to meet their needs, increasing the expression of iron-uptake proteins and decreasing iron storage proteins. This creates an environment conducive to tumor growth and metastasis. Furthermore, iron-induced oxidative stress can promote genetic mutations and instability, aiding in the metastatic process.
Copper and Angiogenesis
Copper is crucial for angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones. Angiogenesis is necessary for tumors to grow beyond a certain size and to metastasize. Copper acts as a cofactor for several enzymes involved in the formation and stabilization of new blood vessels. High levels of copper in the tumor microenvironment support the development of a blood supply that nourishes the tumor and facilitates the dissemination of cancer cells to distant sites.
Zinc and Immune Modulation
Zinc plays a complex role in modulating the immune response. Adequate zinc levels are necessary for proper immune function, including the activity of natural killer cells and T lymphocytes that can target and destroy cancer cells. However, imbalances in zinc levels can impair immune surveillance, allowing cancer cells to evade the immune system and metastasize. Additionally, zinc can influence the expression of molecules that help cancer cells adhere to and invade new tissues.
Research and Findings
Recent studies highlight how trace metals, despite being essential, can be harmful in high concentrations. For example, copper’s role in angiogenesis can support tumor growth, and iron’s involvement in producing free radicals can lead to cancerous mutations. Understanding these mechanisms provides insights into potential cancer treatments that target metal metabolism.

Preventive Measures and Future Directions
-Monitoring and Regulation
To mitigate the risks associated with heavy metals, stringent regulations on environmental and occupational exposure are necessary. Regular monitoring of metal levels in at-risk populations can help prevent cancer by ensuring levels remain within safe limits.
-Early Detection
Early detection strategies, such as regular screenings and monitoring of metal levels, can help catch cancer in its early stages when it is most treatable. Surveillance programs targeting high-risk groups can improve early diagnosis and treatment outcomes.
Research and Treatment
Further research is needed to fully understand how metals contribute to cancer. This includes studying the effects of metal nanoparticles and developing targeted therapies that can modulate metal levels in the body. For example, chelation therapy, which binds and removes excess metals, shows promise as a potential cancer treatment.
Trace essential metals play a crucial but double-edged role in our health. While necessary for various biological functions, imbalances can lead to cancer. Understanding the complex relationship between metals and cancer can lead to better prevention, early detection, and targeted treatments, ultimately contributing to improved cancer management and patient outcomes.
The study findings were published in the peer reviewed International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
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