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Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Jan 28, 2021  3 years, 8 months, 4 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours, 17 minutes ago

Ivermectin Being Approved As Drug To Treat COVID-19 In More Countries Including Mexico, Brazil, Iran, India While South Africa Reverses Its Ban

Ivermectin Being Approved As Drug To Treat COVID-19 In More Countries Including Mexico, Brazil, Iran, India While South Africa Reverses Its Ban
Source: COVID-19 Drugs  Jan 28, 2021  3 years, 8 months, 4 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours, 17 minutes ago
COVID-19 Drugs. While America and the United Kingdom along their so called ‘experts’ and corrupted politicians are constantly denouncing generic drugs that can be repurposed to treat COVID-19, supplements and herbs that can be used as adjuvants to also treat SARS-CoV-2 infections, more countries overseas are now beginning to accept ivermectin for use as both a prophylaxis and also as a therapeutic drug to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Dr Oliva López, Head of the Mexico City Ministry of Health, reported that the city’s medical staff have now been granted permission to  administering ivermectin to COVID-19 patients with the support of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubirán” (INCMNSZ), the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTEI).
The Mexican Ministry of Health has determined there is enough evidence to use drugs such as ivermectin on SARS-CoV-2 positive people, even those without symptoms,” said Dr López.
To date, in Mexico City, 50,747 people have been administered ivermectin as part of their COVID-19 treatment , Dr Lopez told Thailand Medical News.
She however, urged citizens to avoid self-medicating when it came to the treatment and urged anyone presenting symptoms to get proper medical attention.
In April last year, researchers from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, discovered that ivermectin could be used to treat SARS-CoV-2.
Since then more than 52 observational studies and randomized trials have been conducted showing positive efficacy of the drug as a prophylaxis and also as a therapeutic agent.
However both the U.S.FDA and WHO advise against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 and warn of side effects.
This is part of a concerted efforts of the larger American and European pharmaceutical companies, corrupted politicians and health authorities and also American billionaires with vested interests to promote vaccines, expensive monoclonal protocols or even toxic antivirals as the market is worth trillions of dollars.
However other countries should stop taking any cues from the America, the United Kingdom and also the WHO. Already its coming to light that the U.S. FDA is one of the most corrupted and non-credible regulatory agencies in the world after the hydocholoroquine and the expensive but toxic remdesivir sagas, its approved overpriced monoclonal and cocktail protocols that even its own local physicians are not advocating to not use and also vaccines which we are coming to learn now will not stop spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or infections but might only prevent severity from developing upon infection (A claim that is hard to prove!)
Daily figures are showing that both America and the United Kingdom has the highest infection and death rates, something that they deserve as a result of their nastiness to curtail lots of medical information online about the COVID-19 disease (With the help of their media, social media, search engines and so called fact checkers) and it is also a reflection about their competency and the fact that other countries should ignore these so called American and British ‘experts’ etc.
South Africa Reverses Ivermectin Ban And Starts Using It.
Only last month, the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAPHRA) said that the drug ivermectin had not been approved for human use as there is no sound clinical evidence supporting its use in fighting COVID-19. Based on influences from the America and British ‘experts’, and also the incompetent WHO,  the South African regulatory authority argued that clinical trials needed to justify its administration are still lacking and banned the use of the drug in South Africa to treat COVID-19. (This despite more than 52 studies with many published already)
However, some countries in Latin America including Peru, Bolivia and Guatemala have approved the administering of ivermectin to COVID-19 patients with positive results.
The South Africa's health products regulator finally on Wednesday approved the "controlled" use of anti-parasitic agent ivermectin on humans, reversing a decision to ban the drug last month over unproven claims that it can treat COVID-19.
The drug ivermectin is one of a string of generic medications tested as a potential cure for COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.
The drug had been mainly used to kill parasites such as head lice on both animals and people, and has been widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa since the 1990s to treat river blindness.
American and British ‘scientists’, many on the payroll of the various pharmaceutical giants were the ones to say there is not yet enough evidence to promote the drug as a remedy for coronavirus, leaving governments undecided over whether or not to limit its consumption amid surging demand.
In South Africa where ivermectin is usually registered for veterinary use but not forbidden for humans saw its national health products regulator (SAHPRA) block imports of the anti-parasitic in December over "lack of clinical evidence".
The total ban sparked outrage among doctors and lobby groups, who accused the government of barring urgently needed research into potential remedies.
The regulatory agency SAHPRA back-tracked on Wednesday, announcing plans to "facilitate a controlled, compassionate access programme for ivermectin" due to rising coronavirus cases.
SAHPRA head Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela said during a virtual press briefing, "We are in the second wave. We are seeing lives being lost and we have many medical practitioners that have reached out to us. We are in a pandemic with limited options available.”
The prominent rights group AfriForum, which teamed up with a group of doctors to file an urgent court application against SAHPRA and the health ministry this month, said the move was welcome but insufficient.
AfriForum head of research Bared Uys said in a statement, "SAHPRA's announcement is a step in the right direction, but still does not provide the necessary relief and certainty that we urgently need. Every day people die while a medicine exists that may probably save their lives."
The court case is scheduled to be heard in court next week.
Currently South Africa is grappling with an unprecedented coronavirus resurgence widely attributed to a more infectious, local variant of the virus.
To date, the country is Africa's hardest-hit, with over 1.43 million cases and 42,550 deaths reported to date.
Countries around the world should start conducting their own due diligence and develop their own treatment protocols and policies to manage the COVID-19 disease in their own countries and not look at the corrupted and incompetent countries like America or the United Kingdom for any directions or recommendations.
For more on Ivermectin and COVID-19, keep on logging to Thailand Medical news.


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