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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact with an infected individual. These are also termed sexually transmitted infections or STIs. STDs can be transmitted during vaginal or other types of sexual intercourse including oral and anal sex.
The causative organisms behind STDs include:
Anybody who has engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse or contact is at risk of transmitting an STD. However, the risk is higher in certain groups which include:
The symptoms of STDs vary with the type of infection but they commonly include:
People who indulge in high-risk sexual behavior as well as those with STD symptoms need to be checked for the presence of STDs. If not treated, these infections may have long-term severe consequences and can also be passed onto partners of the infected individual. The primary approach to treatment, which varies according to the type of infection, is preventing further transmission of the infection and treating all the sexual partners involved.